Young Adult Protection Plan Documents | Digital Download

Sale Price:$99.00 Original Price:$149.00

Estate planning is critical to protect children of all ages, but what happens the moment your child goes from a 17-year-old child to an 18-year-old legal adult?  

Whether you think they’re mature enough or ready for this kind of independence or responsibility does not matter. Legally, many areas of their life that were once under your control will become entirely their responsibility on their 18th birthday.

Here’s something to think about. If your 18-year-old were to get into a severe car accident and require hospitalization, you would no longer have the automatic authority to make decisions about their medical treatment or manage their financial affairs. Without legal documentation, you wouldn’t even be able to access your child’s medical records or bank accounts without a court order.

We've created our Young Adult Protection Plan Documents to deal with this vulnerability.

These basic — but vital — estate planning documents will help your family avoid an expensive, stressful, and unnecessary court process.

Our Young Adult Protection Plan digital download includes:

1. Medical Power of Attorney: A medical power of attorney is an advance healthcare directive that allows your child to grant you (or someone else) the immediate legal authority to make healthcare decisions on their behalf if they become incapacitated and cannot make these decisions themselves. If they are incapacitated in a car accident or fall into a coma due to a debilitating illness, a medical power of attorney allows you to legally make decisions on your child's behalf. Without a medical power of attorney, a court may have to become involved for you to make decisions or get information.

In medical emergencies, time is of the essence. A court process will be the absolute last thing you want to think about.

Also, due to HIPAA (health care privacy) laws, once your child turns 18, no one — not even their parents — can legally access their medical records without prior written permission. But, a properly drafted medical power of attorney will include a signed HIPAA authorization so you can immediately access your child’s medical records to make informed decisions about their treatment.

 2. Advance Medical Directive (Living Will): This advance directive provides specific guidance about how medical decisions should be made, particularly at the end of life. A living will allows your child to decide if and when they want life support removed should they ever require it. In addition to documenting how your child wants their medical care managed, a living will can also include instructions about who should visit them in the hospital and even what kind of food they would want.

One of the most powerful parts about creating a living will is the opportunity to have open conversations with your child about what THEY would want to happen in a challenging and emotionally charged situation. Once you know how they feel and think about topics like intubation, ventilators, experimental medications, and organ donation, you’d never have to make an excruciating healthcare decision alone, always wondering what they would have wanted.

3. Durable Financial Power of Attorney: If your adult child is incapacitated, you'll likely need the ability to access and manage their finances and legal affairs. This permission can be granted through a durable financial power of attorney. Durable financial power of attorney allows you to pay their tuition, apply for student loans, pay rent, negotiate a lease, manage their bank accounts, and collect government benefits if necessary. Without this document, you would have to petition the court for such authority, which takes time and spikes everyone's stress levels even more.

Start Adulthood on The Right Track

No one, no matter how young, vibrant, and careful they are, is immune to an accident in their lifetime. Before your kids leave the nest or turn 18, open a discussion about these topics and document those choices. With this digital download, you will have the structure and legal documents approved for use in PA to help your family avoid a costly and emotional court process. You're also setting a solid example and demonstrating the importance of making proactive financial and legal choices.

Plus, with the purchase of these downloadable Young Adult Protection Plan documents, you will receive a $750 Planning and Design Session with me at no charge. I want to help you make sure your affairs are in order. You will also be eligible for $250 off any level of my estate plans for total peace of mind.

NOTE: These documents are usable by Pennsylvania residents only and require notarization. If you are not a PA resident, these forms are not guaranteed to be valid in your state.

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Kids' Plan Documents | Digital Download
Sale Price:$99.00 Original Price:$149.00